9am i've got punk! thanx to the geng.. ive been april fool.. pagi2 pulak tu... aduish.. i receive text msg by manuel.. nik trow class 9am, bcos 11am there will be meeting with dr. alan from sunderland. Hari ni punya la bgn awal pg gle.. takut jamm punye psl.. skali smpi2 college tepat 9am.. receive msg from the guys.. Nik, u got punked! hahaha.. April Fool dudes! after the meeting we all blanja u mkn! haha.. cya!.. ( dammit hehe).. nasib x marah.. bagus juga bgn awal.. bleh p melawat library lepak.. huhu..
After the class i janji to meet up with neys, nk bagi cd Adobe Photoshop CS3.. when i call her, diorang tgh berphoto gedik near usj6 petronas .. so i when there menyibuk.. haha.. met some new friends .. illya,dee and saiful. Since i got a car, we all go to usj 20 berghedik kat sana.. alang2 hantar illa balik rumah. Port-padang USJ20 bergmbr.. i just used my new HP Nokia E90 .. 3,2mp beb!.. kitorang just berphoto gedik till 6 jew.. bcos neys hav to go back.. maklum la 'underage' hahaha...
I dgn bermurah hatinya menghantar they all back to their house.. and baru dpt tau.. yg kat usj ni.. byknye skolah menengah!.. masa anta illa jumpa skolah, hanta dee pun terjumpa skolah yg i x pernah tau.. huhu..