Ledakan Matahari or what shall i say is SUNBURST evrybody... Best Music Festival ever in M'sia..
1stly, thanx to Farhana,Sue,Zhaf and Waney who with me.. jumping,singing and goin crazy together.. u guys rox to the max.. haha even dohh i know evrybody sangat penat on that day.. whole one day music.. kan?.kan?..
Oh, yes tidak dilupakan Qidran,Qassim,Fareezan,Akmal and Nadia (John Legend Die Hard) hahaha.. u guys roxx gle.. walaupun Nadia yg sakit2 br kluar dr hospital still smpt tgk John Legend on Time.. and get well soon babe! This MAY jgn lupa..
The best part was when dpt makan satay.. yeay! tetiba?? haha
Performance of the Night, Incubus of course... The main attract to this event.. all the crowd goin crazy, lagi-lagi time brandon take off his shirt.. i think the girls mcm nk pengsan jew.. kalau boleh.. huhu..
xnak tulis byk2...One word to described SUNBURST.. ROXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!
Hopefully they will be another SUNBURST!.. Fana,Sue,Waney,Zhaf and all nanti kte beli early bird tix lg k... owhh and sorry i didnt bring my camera.. so xda pic2 yg best.
gila rindu sunburst!
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