Apr 26, 2008

Aizu Ngok Ngek

Photo taken by Sue Bahrin

Ermm.. TQ Farhana,Sue,Neys and Anis.. so speechless.. and sangat-sangat terharu.. dan sangat-sangat la suprise! I didnt expect at all. U all know why kan?, because of the IU neys tue.. so mmg tak expect langsung. Tapi the suprise mmg succesful 100% haha..sbb farhana text me the day before, cakap die ade exam petang tue.. and pagi tue farhana msg , ade emergency suruh tolong neys pasal sponsorship.. and i call sue on the day nk ajak tolong skali "konon" but sue cakap die keluar ngan mak dia. Wuteva it is, terima kasih kerana mengingati hari jadi saya, semua. Huhu =)