Marie Digby Showcase...
Me,Hazwan,Hazriana,Hasniza and Wanee went there to check out this Gadis Youtube, The crowd was like OMG gle ramai. Memula smpi was like a few people sedang menunggu. So we when to Kebab King blasah some food skit. Turun 7.30 gle ramai dh tunggu. I just manage to take a shot dari tepi, maaf ye if all my pictures byk dr tepi. I admit la, yg Marie tu lawa seperti yg dikata oleh org. She's so wonderful and gorgeous. oh! and i just know that her mother is japanese and her father is Irish-American. I think org Irish pandai main guitar la, if u all perasan in the Movie P.S I love u and August Rush, shows that org irish mmg talented. Mcm kwn i sorang tu Hazriana =P.
So the showcase started at 8pm until 9.30pm, and i think bleh pengsan kepanasan.. coz nk kluar pun x bleh.. Marie perform a few songs dr album Unfold, like 'Say it again', 'Unfold' and 'Umbrella'. After the the showcase ended, autograph session. Ohhh the best part nk citer skit, ade this one girl, nk beli my pictures, and i cakap dia, is not for sale but u can have my picasa link to dwload it. So she gave me her email and she took my HP no. haha.. =)
Its 4am in the morning, katil dh memanggil-manggil. Do check my Picasa for the Marie Digby pictures. Im still thinking My EXam! hahaha..
Marie lawaaaa!
yeah,i think irish people is talented and pretty too :D
nk cari gf irish ar camni..
gambar aku taknak tangkap! haha
ahaha x smpt dowh nk kejar ko nen.. ko naik escalator laju gle..
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