MTV Asia Award...
Yes!, Could Cause Jealousy.. ahahaha..
Owh last Saturday, Me,Hazwan,Afza,Reza,Wanee,Hasniza,Allisa Alia and Qidran went to Genting Highland to see the MTVAA.. Thanx to Shirley for all the tix. We Love Celcom Girls.
My last time in Genting, i think when i was Form 3 i guess. So dah alang-alang naik genting ni, main la segala all park dia.. owh owh and i got a chance naik SpaceShot.. gle la, sumpah xnak naik lagi dah.. when the thing reach at the top.. gle x nmpk apa-apa, nmpk awan je. OMG!, ble time turun paling best... ahaha.. rasa mcm nk tercabut jantung.
MTVAA xtau nk descibe macamana, for me its ok la.. see live all the international artis. Leona Lewis, One Republic, PATD, PCD and Project EAR [Slapshock (Philippines), Saint Loco (Indonesia), Pop Shuvit (Malaysia), Ahli Fiqir (Singapore), Silksounds (Thailand) and Thaitanium (Thailand)] the best performance.
So after the MTVAA, MTV X-Party started!.. at Genting International Screening Room.
Open act by Beatboxers and the B-Boys. Then HUJAN and Faizal Tahir rock the GIS Room for 1 Hour. Finally X-Party Starts!.. huhu.
agak puas hati lah g genting dis time..tp reza kecewa..hahaha :D
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