Mar 12, 2008

OMG Miracle Happen!

OMG, Congrats! You're going to Sunburst! ... I woke up this morning and like always, i'll check my email first... and wut the hell "Congrats! ure goin to ledakan matahari.. " I was like .. btul kew ni? btul kew?.. GLE AR! hahaha.. i open, and read carefully... ,
"Hey you!,
Yeap that's right. The answer you sent in for the Sunburst contest in Junk won you a pair of tickets to the show as well as special limited edition merchandise! All you need to do is reply to this e-mail to confirm you've received this and pass us your HP number. You can collect your ticket at the Media Booth at Sunburst this 15th March 2008. Make sure you bring your IC and a copy of this email printed out too!"...
I pun reply la... Saya CONFIRMED and my phone no... bla bla bla... haha..
Seriously, this is my first time i won something kotttt.... sblm2 this like haram kejadah i anta nothing happen.... haha.. Miracle does Happen DUDE!
Tapi I've already got my tix... haha.. xpe2 i'all ajak sesapa yg mau pegi k...