Mar 6, 2009

Putih lagi Kulit Ku

Who's the loser here?
Free Fall
The Team without a Name

Ingat lagi 'The Team Without a Name' So today, here we are again. Eddie invite kitorang pegi white studio :P . Do anything we want!
So bila sampai-sampai je, haha as usual mati akal jap tetiba. Bukak laptop tgk-tgk skit gambar then baru la dapat the mood. Set-up the lighting semua and yada-yada..
BOOM. Apa jadi? hahaha.. nothing happen la.. just that Eddie jadi luar biasa sekejap, mood dia dah datang. Then Neys and last but not least Nik Aizu ahaha.. inspired!
So kat atas tu ade sedikit result yang dapat buat. Tgk la, kalau cakap pun x reti nk explain haha. More to come la, upload skit-skit hehe..
Untuk melihat gaya Neys, balancing herself atas kerusi CLICK HERE
Untuk melihat Shiney dengan gaya tersendiri CLICK HERE

pee/sang: Like eddie says 'The studio is our little playground'


aizat and ainie said...

waa..nice beb..
kepidup yo~

Putri Ramlan said...

kipidupppp! :D