Owhh.. I knoe guys.. France kalah dgn Holland, so wut??? France got 1 more game to go against Italy.. the chances France goin thru to 2nd round is hoping romania draw or loss with Holland, but of course France needed a win too when meeting Italy.
Owhh Today, Kesian Sue-Bahrin demam... cant follow us to Haji Don.. (Sue! kakak blanja oOo!) xpe next time we go again ble kakak dpt gaji baru for this month.. me n neys gle x sbr =P. Die kata nk belanja lagi.. ehehe.. Mcm biasa la kan if me neys fana n anis ade kan... kitorang order semua apa yg ade kat situ.. ahaha.. Mee Baidali,tauhu bakar, daging tulang la, waffle la and the best brownies in town, yeah! Yg Farhana slalu mengidam! Like evryday kot mengidam, kalah pregnant woman.. ahaha.. We all hav lot of fun tapi If Suengal ade lagi tambah tambah FUN. Sue get well soon!..
After the makaness, we go sigth seeing, cuci-cuci mata kat Mont Kiara.. Nak tau cuci mata apa? ahahaha.. tgk-tgk all the expensive kondo's, apartment and bunglowssss.. damm! One day nk duduk sana and have my own pool.. then baru la bleh berenang sambil naked.. FUN kan?..
Then bawa cinonet pegi Bangsar Villagem, she never been there b4, so bawa la die pegi sana... park fana's car kat tepi Mango Cafe.. jalan-jalan kat telawi then masuk bangsar village and lepak at MPH.. Sharp 3.15pm, berangkat pulang coz anis need to go back pegi mana tah...
Thank you Farhana, coz belanja we all makan.. nanti we do it agaain with Sue together k.. syarat u blanja lagi! =P PFttttt..
Owhh Gambar Diatas xda kena mengena, saje upload sbb cam cute gle.. ahahaha..
Peace OUT!
tkde gmbr ke aizu?
takda.. i x bawa camera. Sbb lg pun mcm x cukup org je nk bergambar.
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