Jun 22, 2008


Location: Dewan Bukit Jelutong
Time: 10am-6.30pm
Organizer: SMK Bukit Jelutong

Me,Hazwan,Sue,Yaya and Senise open a gallery over there.

The Crowd...
OK la...

The Gig..
It was ok, but the sounds system was really2 bad.

It was Hazwan 1st event and so wuteva he called it.. ahaha.. 'Hari Kantin'..
Kesian dia, ni semua salah sue dgr rumors no shorts.. ahaha.. if not Hazwan dah terloncat-loncat dah...

Next post.. Shisha at The Castle.. (Same day)


Sue Bahrin said...

kesiann hazwan hahahahah

Unknown said...

gewd job sue!